Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Month Is This?

Hello fellow lockers and lurkers,

Gosh I'm not sure which month in my journey this is. I should have checked before starting this entry but was being lazy, lol. So what's new with me....not a whole lot. The pics here are from today after a shampoo. Just love that I look good even after a wash without having to do anything. That is so liberating in that when I was a loose permie would take me forever to blow dry my hair out and get it straight. My hair is so thick and course that it was alot of work. Now I can wash and braid it up if I want, take it down next day and good for the week.

My weightloss is at a standstill but still feel good. Need to change things up I guess. I get lots of compliments. My oldest daughter tells me I don't need to lose more weight, but I beg to differ, lol. I still want to lose more and maintain. Maintaining is the hardest part I think. Trying not to fall back into bad eating habits is essential and keeping a regular exercise program. Well that's it for now. Maybe I'll try some different styling options for the next post. I tend to fall into the same habit so will need to search YouTube for ideas. Stay blessed everyone, and Happy Easter.

Love, peace, and no hair grease.


Mrs Mac's Corner... said...

Hi there, I am sending you the Stylish Blogger Award as I am one of your followers and enjoy reading your blog, please check my blog for Award details x

Nubian1 said...

Looking good lock sista!